Ayurveda is a holistic healthcare system that has its roots in ancient India. It’s main goal is wellness and longevity of life. Ayurveda is established in the interconnectedness of mind, body and consciousness and in the idea that the purpose of life is to realize your own divinity by realizing the divinity of another. Ayurveda teaches the art of living in rhythm with nature through daily routine. It offers a deep understanding of each person’s unique body, mind and consciousness.
I will design a wellness plan that supports you in creating an ayurvedic lifestyle regimen that is specific to you and your current life circumstances. To effectively customize these practices for you, your ayurvedic body/mind makeup will be accessed during the initial consultation using the tridosha theory.
Ayurveda describes absolute health as:
A fit body with strong immunity, healthy digestion & symptom free.
The ability to manage stress and be free from addictions.
Establishing a lifestyle that is supportive of self-care.
Below are the ayurvedic practices that may be integrated into your wellness plan.

Tridosha Theory
The tridosha theory means that every human has a unique blend of three attributes: vata, pitta and kapha. The attributes are detected in the shape and biological functions of the physical body. They influence appetite, digestion, sleep, sweat, stamina and mental disposition. We will access your tridosha makeup during the initial consultation.

The three keys to proper nutrition are:
1 . A healthy digestive system
2. The right combination of foods for your Ayurvedic makeup and lifestyle that are in season
3. When and where you have your meals
Ayurveda teaches that the root of all disease is when you lack any one of these three components. During our work together you will learn the practices that will help you achieve proper nutrition.
Breathing Practices
Ayurvedic therapy uses various practices to derive a benefit from breath. Your breathing pattern is a reflection of your emotional state. For example, anxiety will often cause breath to become rapid and shallow. Breathing practices intentionally alter the pattern of breath as a way of regulating emotions.
To experience this idea, place your hands on your lower abdomen. Draw your attention to the movement of your inhale and exhale. Now, think of breathing into the palms of your hands so that your lower abdomen distends to the point that your hands lift. Continue for five breathes. Note how your breathing deepens and slows. Notice that this practice shifts your attention from the external world and gives your mind a rest from your inner thoughts. This simple practice can be life-changing. It is only one of many breath practices that might be employed during our work together.

Daily movement plays a vital part in the health of the mind and body. You will maximize the results from your workout by incorporating exercise that works best for your ayurvedic makeup. Your wellness plan will discuss an exercise program that's best for you.
Meditation is the practice of controlling where your attention is focused. The motivation of attaining this control is that the object of your attention determines your sense reality and therefore, has great influence in how you perceive the quality of your life. For example, imagine that you are situated in a comfortable place but your attention is focused on a worrisome thought. Instead of experiencing comfort, you will experience anxiety and discomfort.
Your counseling sessions will begin with a guided meditation which will serve three main purposes:
To provide a moment to settle into the session
Allow space for you to access what you'd like to explore during your session
Introduces the foundation of the practices you will learn while working with me
Specific meditations will also be incorporated into your wellness plan.

5 Sense Therapies
You experience your environment through your primary senses by taking in sights, sounds, smells, touch and tastes. Your nervous system responses to these stimuli fall somewhere on a scale between pleasurable, neutral or agitated. Ayurvedic healthcare incorporates "five sense" therapies that involve the use of color, music, mantra, aroma, message, herbal medicines and dietary guidance.
Your ayurvedic makeup, including any imbalances, will determine the course of this therapy. I will teach you how to use the five sense therapies effectively, in a healing manner, as part of your new daily routine.
Herbal Medicine
I create herbal formulas using the modern and ayurvedic approach. Modern herbal medicine uses herbs according to their chemical constituents and their actions. Ayurveda uses herbs according to the way they impact the tridosha makeup. Each approach considers which of the body's systems and tissues the herb impacts as well as the contraindications of taking the herb.
I consider herbal formulation an art and have over 20 years of experience creating remedies to manage physical and mental imbalances. Browse my unique Herbal Care Line.

Ayurvedic Self-Massage
The ayurvedic system uses self-massage practices to balance overall movement in the body and mind. Movement in the body dictates the pace of the circulatory, nervous, lymphatic and digestive systems. In the mind, it determines the speed of thoughts.
There are two types of massage: oil massage or dry massage. Oil massage regulates movement while also nourishing the tissues of the body with herbal-infused oils. Dry massage increases movement in the body and mind while also detoxifying the tissues of the body. The right massage practice for you will be determined during your intake and will be part of your wellness plan.
Oral Care
Beyond daily flossing and brushing your teeth, ayurveda recommends regular use of the tongue scraper and gum oil for oral care. Healthy digestion is one of the three pillars of longevity in the ayurvedic system. The mouth is the opening of this system and is where food is chewed, diluted by digestive juices and taste is registered. Maintaining healthy teeth, gums and tongue are therefore considered important in achieving healthy digestion.
Gum oil is a specific blend of oils and herbs for maintaining healthy gums. Massaging gum oil onto your gums followed by swishing it around your mouth reduces bacteria in the mouth and hydrates the gums which reduces gum recession.
The tongue scraper is a tool used to remove post digestive debris and bacteria that causes bad breath. Using it also improves your sense of taste. Tasting your food informs the lower digestive system of what is coming down and allows the optimal environment to be set up for optimal digestion. A metal tongue scraper will provide a better edge to remove ama and is recommended over a plastic one. Oral care will be incorporated into your wellness plan.